Hark, traveler !

My persona, froggie. A young cupid with dark blue hair that fades to lime alongside cuved horns, they have an open mouth grin on their face

Howdy space cadet ~ !! My name is Nyx but you can also call me Frog(gie) or Bug (*ФωФ*)ブ [he/they/it + any neo prns OK] ! I'm a hispanic freelance artist who enjoys drawin funky lil guys kissin other funky lil guys and usin kaomoijs keke (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

I enjoy!!!

No thanks!!!

Froggie, a young cupid with dark blue hair that fades into lime, smiling at the person lookin at this !

My main interests / brain worms atm are Demon Slayer and Gachi Akuta!! I jus think they're neat keke ♪(´▽`)

Other brainworms!!! [animanga]

Oh btw I have a carrd if u wanna look at it! it's more fleshed out than this keke